Quick Facts
- Nepean High School is a grade 9-12 semestered school with four 75 minute periods.
- We welcome approximately 1200 students each year.
- We offer the English with Core French program, French Immersion, Specialist High Skills Major in the Environment, Advanced Placement Courses, Leadership Development, Cooperative Education courses, Special Education and a Gifted Program.
- Our students come to us from Broadview ES.
Our Mission Statement
Love Purple, Live Gold!
At Nepean we are committed to providing an exceptional high school experience for our students through enriched programming in academics, athletics, fine arts and leadership programs. We want our students to love their time at NHS! We expect our students to demonstrate character and to make positive contributions to others in our school community.
At Nepean we respect everybody, every day, all of the time.
Interested in registering your child at our school? Contact us or visit the OCDSB Registration page for more information.
About Our School
Nepean is a community school where students strive for excellence academically, artistically, and in athletics. The school is known for its strong academic success with many graduating as Ontario Scholars and most attending college or university after graduation. Parents, students, staff and community members all work in collaboration to create the best possible learning environment.
- School Colours: Purple & Gold
- School Motto: “Play the Game”
- Team Name: Nepean Knights
Our collective goal is to ensure that Nepean students are successful in realizing their full academic potential. We feel that this is best accomplished through a motivating and challenging curriculum combined with high expectations of achievements.
We expect Nepean students to become responsible citizens and leaders of our community.
Our students are encouraged to participate in a variety of leadership opportunities throughout their four years of secondary schooling. Opportunities include: the OCDSB Student Senate, Students’ Council, Students’ Council Leadership Camps, CORE Leadership (Nepean’s own curricular program) events, our grade 9 orientation program FUSE, and Student Athletes in Leadership (SAIL) which is an element of our Athletic Leadership program. We are extremely proud of the opportunities our students have for leadership in other aspects of life at Nepean. Our students pursue and accept leadership roles throughout our community, in their employment, and at our many and varied events such as the United Way Breakfast, Key Club Spaghetti Dinner, Taking Aids to Task, and countless others.
Nepean High School teachers are highly dedicated to providing our students with the best possible education. The dedicated and energetic staff is committed to providing a stimulating and caring environment where every student is challenged to meet their potential.
Parents/Guardians and Community
Nepean HS is committed to establishing and maintaining links between all members of our community through the creation of opportunities for students, parents, staff and community members to meet and discuss issues of mutual interest.
We are fortunate to benefit from the commitment and support of our School Council, parents and community volunteers who coach sports teams, support several school clubs and participate in numerous student-led events. Our School Council also organizes numerous activities, including fundraising as well as guest speakers for parents.
Nepean is fortunate to benefit from a high degree of involvement and support from our many community partners, social agencies, and businesses in Westboro and west Ottawa. Our Co-op program relies on our workplace partners to provide excellent career experiences for our students. Placement partners are key participants in our Career Fair and our Co-op Appreciation Breakfast.
Nepean High School is recognized throughout its community for its tradition of academic excellence. Nepean has a multi-year strategic plan to increase awareness, education and understanding of youth mental health issues for students, staff and our community at large.
Our Music department is consistently recognized both provincially and nationally for its excellence. The department is proud of its successful outreach program, which sees Nepean’s vocal and instrumental music students invited to perform at numerous community events, as well as at elementary schools and seniors’ homes each year.
As an addition to our award-winning Drama production program, NHS students also participate in the popular “Cappies” initiative – a theatre critics and awards program. Student-written reviews of other local high school productions are published in the Ottawa Citizen and student critics vote for awards presented at a formal Gala at the end of each school year.
Our interscholastic teams are highly competitive each year, bringing home numerous NCSSAA championship trophies and going on to represent the National Capital Region in provincial (OFSAA) championships.
Immersion and Core French students participate annually in the Ottawa-Carleton Concourse de Français, and at all levels of the Parents for French Public-Speaking Contest. Spanish students participate in similar contests. Nepean is also participating in DELF French proficiency testing through the OCDSB.
Enriched courses are offered in English, Math, Science, History, and Core French. A comprehensive array of Fine Arts courses are offered; students are able to take at least two credits each year in Music, as well as two in Grades 10-12 Drama and two in Grades 11 & 12 Visual Arts. Advanced Placement preparatory courses are offered in English, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Computer Programming and French Immersion. In addition, a third language opportunity is available in Spanish through a formal partnership with our sister school in Galicia, Spain.
Nepean HS has a Specialist High Skills Major for Environment program. The program is composed of a core group of courses and industry specific certifications. Students who complete all elements graduate with a red seal on their diploma which distinguishes their secondary learning as having a focus on the Environment.
Some elective courses run outside the regular school day to permit flexibility and more course options for students. These may include Drama Production, Outdoor Education, Music Repertoire, and our own locally-developed Nepean Leadership Development Course.
Each year, Nepean students write Advanced Placement examinations, organized by the College Board of Canada. In 2011-12, Nepean students wrote a total of approximately 70 AP exams in Calculus AB, English Literature and Composition, European Language and French Language, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Additionally, Nepean students have a number of opportunities to impact their own learning goals through participation in the CAT4, JVIS, Learning Styles Inventories, Career Cruising and academic contests in Math, Science and French.
Nepean also offers a thriving Co-operative Education program which supports student achievement in a flexible and very effective way. Students continue to pursue academic credits while simultaneously gaining valuable workplace experience. This growing program has enabled NHS to build capacity with numerous corporate and public partners.
Special Education and ESL Programs
Nepean High School assists students who are IPRC’d and who are integrated into the regular classroom but require some individual help through trained staff who are available in the Resource Centre.
Nepean’s strong academic program is supplemented by a wide variety of extra-curricular activities. These activities include:
- an active interscholastic and intramural sports program
- an extensive collection of student-centered clubs and organizations
- a very active Student Council
- leadership programs
- dances and coffee houses
- peer helping
- award winning bands, choir, and drama productions.
Clubs include:
Model UN, Amnesty International, Free the Children, Environmental Club, Ski Club, Live It Up, Children’s Theatre, Improv!, Humanitarian Club, Knight Watch (school newspaper), Students Unite, Students Against Drinking and Driving (OSAID) and the Key (Kiwanis Engaging Youth) Club.
During the course of the year, Nepean High School also offers leadership skill development for many of our students through a number of leadership camps.
Our school offers:
- a full-service cafeteria
- a double gym
- a well-equipped library
- science labs and greenhouse
- a large auditorium
- a soccer field
Our curriculum is supported by the school’s close proximity to various parks and greenspaces.
Our multicultural students find a safe, stimulating environment where an atmosphere of mutual respect for all cultures in Canada is cultivated. We strive to ensure that our school is a welcoming and safe place for students of all identities to feel valued and respected as they engage, learn, grow, explore, and discover.
A strong commitment to Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility is embedded throughout the OCDSB's 2023-2027 Strategic Plan and captured within each area of focus: learning, well-being, and social responsibility.
For more information, please visit the OCDSB’s Equity and Diversity website.